The CRA has Extended Filing Deadlines for Corporations and Trusts
IMPORTANT TAX NEWS: The CRA has extended filing deadlines for corporations and trusts to SEPTEMBER 1, 2020. More details HERE.

Government Announces Expansion to the Eligibility Criteria for Canada Emergency Benefit Account (CEB
This week, the Government of Canada announced an expansion to the eligibility criteria for the Canada Emergency Benefit Account (CEBA )...

Government Extends the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) helps businesses keep employees on the payroll and encourages employers to re-hire workers...

COVID–19: CECRA for Small Businesses
Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses provides relief for small businesses experiencing financial...

CRA Issues Guidance on International Income Tax Issues
The CRA has released guidance on the following international tax issues raised as a result of COVID-19: Income Tax Residency Carrying on...

Trowbridge Tax Series: Canadian Expats Have Their Tax Questions Answered by Our Experts
With many Canadians living and working abroad, navigating tax obligations while out of the country can be confusing and complex. To help...

COVID “Emergency Period”: IRS Revenue Procedures for Non-Residents and Foreign Corporations
On April 21, 2020, the IRS issued two Revenue Procedures dealing with individuals who end up spending more days in the US in February and...

Eligibility Requirements for Individuals Receiving the US Stimulus Payment
On March 27, 2020, Congress enacted some new measures that provides some stimulus payment for eligible individuals and provides some form...