Trowbridge Tax Series: Canadian Expats Have Their Tax Questions Answered by Our Experts
With many Canadians living and working abroad, navigating tax obligations while out of the country can be confusing and complex. To help address some of the many tax questions that we get asked regularly, we have partnered with Allan Nicols of THE CANADIAN EXPAT to produce a weekly series featuring Trowbridge international experts Arun (Ernie) Nagratha and Wayne Bewick.
Here are a few of the questions we tackle in episodes 1 - 4 of this informative series:
Are there tax implications if I come home because of COVID-19?
Does the date matter when I return to Canada for taxes?
Will having a credit card in Canada affect my tax status?
What are the tax implications of selling Canadian property while living in another country?
View the series here:
Watch this page for new episodes posted weekly.
ABOUT THE CANADIAN EXPAT Trowbridge has had a long standing relationship with Allan Nicols who founded The Canadian Expat digital community and acts as an advocate and information source for Canadians living and working abroad.