2020 Virtual Accounting & Finance Show
Want to be our guest at the 2020 Virtual Accounting & Finance Show? Plan to join us on September 29th for this information-packed online...

Tax Impacts of “The Bubble” on Professional Athletes
As the world has witnessed, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on global economies and daily life, while also significantly...

What is a Principal Residence Exemption on the Sale of Canadian Property?
When you sell your home, you may realize a capital gain resulting in a tax liability. Normally, if the property was solely your principal...

Disposing of Canadian Real Estate as a Non-Resident of Canada
The process of disposing (selling) a Canadian property while an individual is considered a “non-resident” for tax purposes is unlike the...

Canada and US Tax Filing Deadline Updates
During the past few months and up until recently, the CRA and IRS have made changes and provided extensions to tax filing deadlines to...

WEBINAR: Personal Tax Update for Canadian Expats Living in the UAE: Navigating Through COVID-19 and
Join the Canadian Business Council Abu Dhabi and Canadian Business Council of Dubai and the Northern Emirates in collaboration with...

Cameco Transfer Pricing Decision Limits Recharacterization
The Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) upheld the decision of the Tax Court of Canada (TCC) in Cameco Versus The Queen. The main issue...

Trowbridge Tax Series: Real Estate Tax for Non-Residents
If you have a property or properties in Canada and are collecting rental income or if you plan to sell your Canadian residence while...

Presidential Proclamation - Suspension and Limitation on Entry to the U.S. of Individuals Under Cert
On June 22, 2020 President Trump signed a proclamation suspending the entry to the United States of certain non-immigrants. The entry ban...

CRA: Tax Deadline Extended for Non-Resident Rental Returns
An IMPORTANT UPDATE was released recently by the Canada Revenue Agency: In response to the #COVID19 pandemic, the CRA has extended the...