The Impact of the Pandemic on Globally Mobile Employees (183 Days)
2020 has been a difficult and strange year around the world. For the globally mobile employee and their employers, the COVID-19 pandemic...

The CRA has Extended Filing Deadlines for Corporations and Trusts
IMPORTANT TAX NEWS: The CRA has extended filing deadlines for corporations and trusts to SEPTEMBER 1, 2020. More details HERE.

Government Announces Expansion to the Eligibility Criteria for Canada Emergency Benefit Account (CEB
This week, the Government of Canada announced an expansion to the eligibility criteria for the Canada Emergency Benefit Account (CEBA )...

Government Extends the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) helps businesses keep employees on the payroll and encourages employers to re-hire workers...

COVID “Emergency Period”: IRS Revenue Procedures for Non-Residents and Foreign Corporations
On April 21, 2020, the IRS issued two Revenue Procedures dealing with individuals who end up spending more days in the US in February and...

Applying for Canada's Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
GOVERNMENT OF CANADA: "As a Canadian employer whose business has been affected by COVID-19, you may be eligible for a subsidy of 75% of...

PART ONE: Your Tax Questions Answered | An Interview with The Canadian Expat
We had the opportunity to chat this week with Allan Nicols of THE CANADIAN EXPAT in the first of a series of interviews where we answer...

What You Need to Know About the New COVID-19 Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
Ottawa to offer a 75 per cent wage subsidy to all businesses that have lost 30 per cent of their revenue. Resources: Government of...

IRS Initiative: Applications for Small Business "Paycheck Protection Program" Open April 3
Small businesses and sole proprietorships affected by the coronavirus pandemic can apply for loans under the federal Paycheck Protection...

IRS Pushes Tax Filing Date to July 15, 2020 - Same as Payment Deadline
The IRS has provided an extension of time to both pay and now file for individuals and some businesses. The relief (as originally...