COVID “Emergency Period”: IRS Revenue Procedures for Non-Residents and Foreign Corporations
On April 21, 2020, the IRS issued two Revenue Procedures dealing with individuals who end up spending more days in the US in February and...

Extended US and Canada Tax Filing Deadlines
It's been a few weeks of challenges and changes as the world adapts to COVID-19. From a tax perspective, both the US and Canadian...

IRS Initiative: Applications for Small Business "Paycheck Protection Program" Open April 3
Small businesses and sole proprietorships affected by the coronavirus pandemic can apply for loans under the federal Paycheck Protection...

IRS Pushes Tax Filing Date to July 15, 2020 - Same as Payment Deadline
The IRS has provided an extension of time to both pay and now file for individuals and some businesses. The relief (as originally...

Navigating Inconsistencies and Inefficiencies of the CRA (Part Two)
The CRA has not made it easy for Canadian taxpayers to navigate its often complex and convoluted processes. In Part Two of this series,...

Tax Issues: Uncle Sam Wants You….To File Tax Returns!
There are many factors to consider in US non-resident tax compliance. Learn about the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP).